Have you felt God asking you to do the unusual? Is it something others might think is crazy, or you think would drive others away? Is it hard to see what purpose would be served? Or, does it feel like He's asking too much of you?
Well, God is in the business of doing the crazy. Sometimes God calls us to do something that breaks tradition.
Don't believe me?
Look at John the Baptist.
He was the son of a priest. And not just any priest. His father, Zacharias, was chosen to enter the Holy Place to burn incense before God. His birth was even prophesied at that point, with many witnesses on the other side of the curtain.
At his birth, with bystanders all around, Zacharias sings a song of blessing and prophecy over him. (Luke 1) Those listening would have heard that John was the one who would announce the arrival of the Messiah. That's big.
With that heritage and call on his life, he would have been expected to learn the law in the temple, dress and eat a certain way, and basically follow in his father's footsteps. Did he?
Instead of wearing robes and eating priestly food - he wore camel skin and ate locusts and honey. Instead of working, teaching and learning in the temple area - he went to the wilderness and grew in the Spirit. Instead of baptizing people in the temple area - he went to the Jordan River and from there his ministry took flight.
What do you think John was thinking? Do you think he had an easy time stepping away from the norm? As he spent time with God in the wilderness, I'm sure it became easier and second nature to him. But the first step had to be tough to take.
For me, one of the odd things God asked me to do years ago was to stand up when the rest of the congregation was sitting. The church was not accustomed to people standing when we were scheduled to be sitting. Standing was just not done. But the song being sung was worshipful, and God pressed me to stand. So I did. I was hesitant. I was nervous. And, most of all, unfortunately, I wondered what others would say.
John got to the point that he didn't care what the temple authorities, who were watching him, thought. In fact, he called them vipers. (Matthew 3) The importance of what John did was to bring the heart of the people back to God - getting them out of the ritual centered habits and opening their hearts to receive the Word of God. He represented the Old Covenant and turned over the reins to Jesus the one who brought the New Covenant.
I can't say that standing up in church during a spirit-filled song fits into a greater plan of God's... BUT... who knows? Each time He has asked, it
has become easier. Now, it is more second nature to me and I don't
worry what others will think or say.
Is God calling you to stand or to do something different from anything you've ever done? I hope you realize you are not alone. Do it, even if you're shaking in your boots. Who knows...maybe that one simple act is the key to something bigger in God's plan.
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