Saturday, December 24, 2022

Crazy Times

As we approach Christmas I think back to the era when Jesus came as a baby. Times were rough. I know the first believers thought that He would make life better, but He didn't. Then when Jesus ascended things got worse. Those who embraced His teachings were threatened, arrested, beaten, or stoned to death. In the midst of these threats I see something that speaks to me - they had backbone and stood up to the pressures of society. Even threats of death did not stop them from spreading the message of Jesus. 

Looking at today and all the craziness - truth being smothered in favor of lies, wars and rumors of war, mysterious weather occurrences - I feel we are living in similar days.

Does this mean Jesus will be returning as the Bible prophecies tell us? 

That would be cool. To be taken away from all this mess. 

But what about those who don't know about God?

Some say things are going to get worse. Others say that God is going to fire up a world-wide revival so that those who don't know Him will find about Jesus. I wonder... could both of these theories be right? What if things get worse while God's power ignites a revival across the nations? 

No one will be able to sit idly by and watch the two sides compete. We will be drawn into the path of revival or settling for the norms of society.

So, a question arises for each of us... are we like the early followers of Jesus? Do we have a backbone? Do we have the gumption to keep our eyes on Jesus so that the wrong thinking of the world does not cause us to back down?

I will confess, in my earlier years I did not always have a backbone and would shift my position based on the arguments given. Presently, my focus has been on Jesus and maintaining a backbone has become easier.

No matter what the days ahead may bring I know God will use it to get His plan accomplished. Being prepared to give an answer... to stand up for Jesus... that's our way of being prepared to receive the Messiah when He returns. (Matthew 25:1-13) Remember - with Jesus - there is always hope.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Author Newsletter

I know I haven't posted in a while but I have been busy on some other writing projects and spending time with Jesus. I hope to begin posting more in the coming months.

One of the things I've been working on is publishing an author newsletter. See the link below. It includes pictures from my summer trip.

If you want to receive the subscription you can leave a comment to this post. I do recommend spelling out your email rather than the correct presentation. (For example: back 2 school at gmail dot com) 

I hope your days are filled with God's beauty and breeze from the Holy Spirit to keep you going in these days of unusual occurrences. Remember, there is always hope.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

God in Plain Sight

It was a bright day as I rested on my patio. My focus was on the trees and the waving of the leaves in the breeze as wind gusts affected the calm that day. I was deep in thought when a bird flitting between branches crossed my focal point. I soon found myself following this creature's movements. 

This bird moved from branch to branch, sometimes hiding among leaves and sometimes on a plain leafless extension of the tree. True to his nature, the breeze didn't shake the bird off his current resting spot. He waited until it was still to move on. As long as I followed his actions, I didn't lose him within the leaves. But when I re-focused back to the tree or bush he landed upon, I lost his location. It took work to locate him again.

But, in losing sight of him I was struck by how the bird was there the whole time, hiding in plain sight. It was in that moment that the Lord showed me a lesson.

If I keep my eye on the the bird I don't lose sight of where he jumps and goes. If I take my eye off of him, even for a short moment, then I lose His location and where he's headed. The same is true of God.

If I think of the bird as representing the Lord and the tree and bush branches as the troubles of life, I get a lesson.

When I focused on the trees, leaves and the wind, I had trouble keeping track of where the bird was and the beauty of it's actions. In the same way, if I focus on the troubles of life then I have difficulty seeing God in what is happening. The thing is... God is right there. He's hiding in plain sight. But if you search for Him, you will find Him. And, He will show you which way to go.

This is easier said than done. Yes, sometimes the troubles of life feel so big and overwhelming it's almost as though they are stealing your breath. But, I can tell you. The more I've practiced this, the easier it becomes. The Bible tells us we will have troubles and trials. (John 16:33, 1 Peter 4:12-19) Perhaps it is easier to think of troubles and issues of this world as a jumping platform to the next place God wants us to go. 

The lesson I learned, don't lose sight of God. I want to see the changes He is making. Also, be ready to move in a new direction. If I stumble along the way, He can be found because there is always hope.