Monday, January 29, 2024

Relating to the Inner Circle Twelve

I don't know about you, but I think there is some fun to being "in the know". Being a part of the inner circle that knows what a leader is truly thinking and what is going to be said before it's even spoken. To be part of that group can be thrilling but, as we see in the scriptures, it can also be challenging.

Jesus had such a group. We call them the apostles, or disciples. There were twelve of them... Simon Peter, John, James, Philip, Judas son of James (also called Thaddaeus), Judas Iscariot, Andrew, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot. Luke 6:12-16 tells us there were more disciples that followed Jesus, but it was the twelve men listed who are called apostles in that chapter.

I'm sure these men felt excited to be chosen by this miracle-performing, authority-speaking/teaching rabbi. Little did they know at the time, being chosen meant they would face challenges and deeper lessons than the masses of followers.

To start with, the only thing these men had in common was their interest in following and learning from Jesus. Few were like minded, or of the same background. I like to think Jesus chose men who might not like each other so that they could learn to be of one mind to glorify the Messiah, to praise God Almighty for the things He was doing. (Romans 15:5-6) As well as, to know others who didn't think like them but could still be called to preach about the Holy One of God.

It's great to see how the Lord loves variety. These men held traits that can still be seen in mankind today. Twelve years ago, (Has it really been that long?) I wrote a series on the disciples to guide us in identifying with one or more of them.  I'm updating those posts and re-publishing them again. One each week. We should be able to find a place among the inner twelve.

What's so cool in our present day walk with Jesus is that He rose from the dead. 

He lives within all those who accept His gift of salvation. Jeremiah 33:3 still applies to us...ask Him and He will tell of great and mighty things... in other words, inner circle knowledge. This means all believers today can be in the know.

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