Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Am I Like Jonah?

The story of Jonah is known by churchgoers of all ages. A man of God was told to go to a city filled with people Jonah could not stand. I once heard that most Hebrews, along with Jonah, couldn't stand that place because the Assyrians living there would impale Hebrews, then hang those bodies at the city gate as a warning to other Hebrews.

When you think about it, who would want to go to a place where you know you will be hated and, possibly, could face death? But God was doing something in that city and He asked Jonah to join Him in that effort.

So the question I felt God point out to me the other day in regards to Jonah was, "Are we refusing to do something God is asking of us?"

Has God asked you to forgive someone who
injured you emotionally? He has asked me to do that, many times. It wasn't easy, but I spoke the words several times. And, actually, anytime I remember the pain or begin to dwell on it, I repeat the words of forgiveness again. Maybe that sounds weak to you, to repeat words of forgiveness. But, I can tell you that each time I do it, there is a lightness in my spirit that wasn't there before. (John 5:38-48)

Maybe for you, it's not forgiving a wrong, maybe it's something else. Is God asking you to speak to someone you dislike? Or someone you consider an enemy? 

I think of it this way. How many times have I turned aside rather than cross the room to speak with someone that turned my stomach? How many times have I refused to speak a kind word to someone who was shunned by others? How many times have I turned the other way rather than seeing the reality of the hurt that was happening?

Do any of these sound familiar? Maybe we can relate to Jonah more than we realized. I'm seeing that I can.

Before we condemn ourselves, there is good news, and hope. Just like with Jonah, God gives us time to come to our senses. And when we do... He uses us just like He used Jonah. Notice in the story (Jonah 3) that God didn't go ahead and destroyed Nineveh without Jonah giving the warning. No, God waited for Jonah to wake up and be willing to give the warning.

God will use us once we realize we need to turn toward that action he wants is to take. We are not terrible because of our hesitancy. We are learning the acceptance of God to our struggle to follow His directions. This is great hope for all of us.

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