The Lord has impressed on me to dwell.
I looked up the definition. It means to live or stay; to linger over, emphasize or ponder in thought, speech or writing. The Hebrew word used in Psalm 91 for the word dwell translates to sit, sit down (as to judge in quiet), to be set, to remain or stay, to dwell, have one's abode, to abide. We could add, to stay with or keep thinking.
So the question is... What do we dwell on? What are the things we think about frequently?
Usually, we dwell on people, things, or ideas.
If you find an activity that peaks your interest, how often do you think about it? Do you intentionally find time to do that activity? Do you look for someone who also likes that same thing? Or, do you move your schedule around so you can spend time with someone who makes you feel good on the inside? Or, maybe it's people who accept you even if you goof up or do something really stupid? Do you think about doing things to make those people happy?
In order to spend time with people who fulfill these desires and needs requires coordinating schedules. To some degree this is not a bad thing, but if that is all consuming with our time then when do we give time to Jesus?
One of the cool things about Him is that He fulfills all those things. He loves us and wants to spend time with us, even when we mess up. So, are we bending over backwards to do the same thing for Him? Or, do we press the snooze button rather than crying out to Him to help us wake up? Do we choose to read a book that our eyes shouldn’t see rather than reading a book that uplifts Him? Do we listen to songs that speak of negative things or that uplift and glorify the Holy Trinity?
I hope through my questions I am showing that you don't need an all day long quiet time to dwell with Jesus. Dwelling means talking to Him throughout the day, wherever you go. The Lord writes with me. He travels with me. He even helps me with gardening. He's so much fun, and I love Him for that.
There have even been times the Lord has taken me on dates. One day, not long ago, He told me to set aside a specific afternoon for Him. He took me for frozen custard then over to the park, even arranged for my favorite bench to be open. We watched children played, families and friends talk as they lounged on blankets, all while the geese ate and swam in the distance. It was great. To the human eye, it may have looked like I was alone. What they couldn't see was the Lord's comfort enveloping me.
He's also been there as I cried my heart out when I've messed up and when I've been emotionally wounded. I could not do life without Him. He is my hope.
He can be your hope too. Start today by making an effort to dwell on Him and to dwell in Him. You won't be sorry.
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