Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Art of Waiting

 I don't know about you, but I'm not always very good about waiting. If I know something is going to happen, I want to see it or get started with it soon. 

I remember when I went for my licensure exam. I was ready to get the test going, but I had to wait for the explanation of how the exam was scored before they would start the test. My mind lost it's focus and it was by the grace of God that I passed. Had I known they were going to do this, and been prepared, the outcome may have been different.

The Bible speaks of this issue of not being prepared as we wait for Jesus to return in Matthew 24 and 25 (also mentioned in Luke 12). After telling the people the signs that will occur before Jesus will return, he shares some stories. Two of the parables deal with slaves either not working for the master or not using the talents they have been given to advance the master's worth. In a third story, half the virgins are waiting but think it will be sooner than it is and are not prepared for the wait. 

One thing is for sure, we are seeing many of the signs that Jesus spoke about at the beginning of Matthew 24. I don't mean to frighten anyone. I only want you to see that we need to be preparing for the return of Jesus. Don't let down your guard.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be one of the virgins who thinks it's happening pretty soon and be found without enough oil to light my lamp when Jesus does come. This time I want to be patience in my waiting. I want to keep remembering He's coming back. I want to be seen by Him as continuing to do work for Him. Not one who thinks it's not bad enough yet, so He's not coming soon.

Fact is, Jesus is coming back someday. The day draws nearer all the time. Even though I feel like it should be soon, I know that I don't know when it's happening. It could be today, tomorrow, or five years from now. In any case, my plan is to have enough oil for my lamp and be found working for the kingdom. What are your plans?

Friday, September 3, 2021

Speaking Up

We've talked about how to use our words. And now, with all the news coming out about the horrendous events from the Middle East, I think we need to talk about speaking up.

But let's not focus on our petty arguments, let's talk about what matters to God. After all we are to share the good news with others...making disciples...baptizing them. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Those who call on Him and will call on Him matter. Those who act out of misguided information matter as well. Among those God wants to reach are the very people causing believers harm.  In the Middle East, Christian believers are battling oppression resulting in them standing up, and often dying, for their faith. I wonder, did they see it coming or was it an I-can't-believe-this-is-happening kind of a thing?

Tell me...if that were you, what would you do?

Don't nay-say this question.

We may be there someday. We might experience the I-can't-believe-it's-happening event.

What if someone you supported suddenly wants to stop you from meeting together with your church? Would you push back? Would you be willing to look down the barrel of a gun and confess you follow Jesus and that you will not bow a knee to the political power that wants to stop you? (Think of Peter and John in Acts 4.)

Are we ready to put aside the earthly arguments and disagreements and focus on a heavenly calling? Are we ready and willing to take a stand? Do we have enough gumption for God to speak stand with His church... no matter the cost? I hope so.

It is my hope for all of us.