Over the past couple of weeks, the Lord has directed me to verses that deal with spoken words. (James 1, 3) Initially, I wondered what action of mine had caught God's need for instruction. Then sermons I listened to began focusing on how and what we speak, as well as actions taken. As things are heating up more, I see there's never been a better time than now to speak to others about God's love and peace.
Most of us have heard the usual lessons directing us to use our words to uplift others, to point out positive rather than negative, or to point out how God is working and making a way. So what more is God showing us in regard to our words helping the situations of today?
Looking to outside news sources I see a broader picture of the world. There's military unrest. (Not just in Afghanistan.) Several countries are falling apart. Weather occurrences are destroying people's lives. False reports are given on so many fronts. It's enough to make a head spin.
So, I ask. Why is there such a time as this when truth is hidden? Why do in-the-know voices speak falsehoods so often? Why this global battle to misdirect the people?
What if we used our words to communicate truth rather than lies?
What if, in our little corner of the world, we each began to speak and demand truth? What if we pray about everything our ears hear and our eyes see? What if we admit that we were misguided and begin to speak up regarding the truth we learn about?
Are you someone who doesn't know what to believe anymore?
Look to God. He can tell you.
Only God knows the truth. Only God knows what's happening behind the scenes. He knows who deceives and who can see through the deception. He's also the One who gives peace to those who seek it.
Like the rocks in the photo, His small, quiet voice will hold you up. He'll bring in peace so that no destructive power, be it verbal or physical, can shake you up.
Let us no longer be a people who sway with the wind of well-spoken deceitful words. Instead, like a tree planted by a stream of living water, let us be a people who stand firm. Whose words come from a wise truthful tongue, bringing healing and clearing the air. (Proverbs 12)
There is need for truth and hope. Both can be found in the loving arms of the Father in heaven. When words from our mouths can shoot out like sparks popping from a bonfire, we must strive to be slow to speak but we must speak. We must aim our fire in the right direction so that we can bring a comforting blaze to those in need of peace while guiding those who need a lit-up path.
Let us draw ourselves and others to truth and peace with the words we speak.