Friday, August 30, 2013

That's My Son

Years ago I sang a song in a choir production that mentioned Jesus being my father. To be perfectly honest, I had trouble with that song and it's words. When I sought counsel on it I was told to keep praying about it. Never having received an answer I dropped the issue. Now, years later my eyes have been opened to understanding.

Listening To The Language of the Bible is a book that helps you to see and understand the Hebrew thinking behind a word or statement. This has been an eye-opening book to read. And, I have mentioned it several times over the last two years.

One of the Hebrew words for son is 'ben'. 'Ben,' like so many other Hebrew words, has more than one facet to the meaning and its application. The obvious meaning is the son of parents. But, it can actually extend to include the relation of an heir to a forefather. And, interestingly enough it could mean a disciple or student of a rabbi.

Basically, wrapped up in the word is a similarity with one who came before you, or leads you. When you were called the son of someone it was because you had their characteristics. Although, in the case of a natural born son he was expected to be like the father. If the father was kind, the sons were expected to be kind. If he was a free-will rule-changing-aggressive man, like Ishmael, then his sons would be like him. So to be called a son of someone could be a compliment or an insult.

Throughout the ages there have been many children who attempt to walk a different path than their parents. Some change to be better than what they had at home. Some change because they themselves are rebellious and can't keep up with the ideals of their parents. . .perhaps it's just not in them.

I always wondered why Jesus told the Pharisees that their father wasn't Abraham but rather the devil. Now it all makes sense. He was relating their current attitude and behaviors to the one who acts the same way. If you want to call your self the son of someone then you very well better act like him. It's not just a name or a title. It's a behavior that has to be harnessed and embraced.

The book also stated that when genealogies are listed that some generations are skipped. They only list the known names, or those of people who stood out with certain characteristics.  Now I get why the Bible does that. . .skipping names in the genealogy of Jesus. But, that's why it was easy to call Jesus the son of David. I thought he was just trying to point out that he was born into the right lineage thus a check mark on the list of prophecies about the Messiah. But Jesus is a son of David in that he loves God with his whole heart, and he will take the throne as king for eternity.

Let's not forget the last association on the list. The one that was the eye opener for me. When a student embraces a teacher's instructions and follows him, he is also called a son. Thus making the teacher a father to the student. Yes, the student can still love his biological father as much as he loves the teacher. But when the teacher's ways become his ways then he becomes the son of the teacher, so to speak.

If Jesus is our teacher and we follow his teachings and instructions then we can be called a son of Jesus. That would mean Jesus can be looked at as our father. What a concept! All these years of not getting it. The song was right all along.

The question remains. . .do we follow his teachings so closely that we are thought of as a son of Jesus? Do we embrace everything he says? Everything he demonstrated in the scriptures? Do we give him our best effort?

Jesus said he was the Son of God. His actions showed that. So when we try to follow Jesus we are in essence trying to act as God in heaven wants us to act and be. Showing his love to those he places in our lives. Directing them to God in heaven. Is it our goal? It's certainly a way to make our teacher desire to call us his sons.

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