Thursday, July 18, 2013

Smelling - A Profession?

Have you ever given much thought to the warnings that Samuel gave to the people of Israel before God appointed Saul as king? (1 Samuel 8) Among the warnings he told them that a king was going to take their daughters and make them perfumers, bakers, etc. But, the people didn't care. They wanted a king.

All these years I thought that was a bad thing. . .for Saul to take their daughters and force them to do these things for the king's family and court. I mean it's mentioned in the middle of the list warning the people of how bad things will get for them. But according to the Chronological Study Bible, it may not have been such a bad thing after all.

To be a perfumer was to have a profession. And a highly respected and sought after profession. There were even priests who were perfumers.

Apparently the perfumers had to know all the oils and lotions available to mankind. And, since they came from a variety of countries around the known world they had to know where each came from. And when to use what. And how to concoct and apply preparations. . .such as, which oils should be used to soften the skin and hair from the damage done by the sun. Or, to help you sleep. Or, bring healing to a sore. And, let's not forget all the ingredients needed for preparing royalty for their tombs. That's a lot to know and learn.

I had no idea that a good nose could be a prized possession in those days. I can see how the people may have thought that was not such a bad thing, the king taking a daughter to be a perfumer. It'd be like having a doctor in the family.

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