Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Meteors vs Stars

Did you hear about the meteor that exploded over Russia? I find this an interesting bit of news, especially when you consider there were two others spotted that same day. Not to scare you or be all doomsday-ish, but here's some food for thought. Have you read chapter six of Revelations?

During the sixth seal, John talks about the stars falling to earth like unripened figs being flung from a tree during a windstorm. I think it will be meteors that fall. John would not have known to call them anything other than 'stars.'

And just look at the damage one good sized meteor did when it exploded over a city in Russia. Can you imagine how much damage will be brought when more than one explodes as it hits the earth? I agree with you. It is a scary thought.

Do I think it is the sixth seal happening? No. We haven't experienced the other seals yet. But, I do think it is a taste of what could happen. Should we walk around in fear? No. Our hope comes from knowing Jesus is protecting us and guiding our days.


  1. You're right, Lill. In many ways, it does seem that we're getting a taste of what's to come. Praise God that we know our Redeemer lives and we have nothing to fear!
