Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Word For Safety in Hebrew

Weeks ago I wrote a post about warning. I don't want to seem to be fixated on this topic but there is scripture, Ezekiel 33, that speaks of the watchman sounding the trumpet to warn the people. Let me just say I am not the main watchman, but I feel a certain responsibility to inform you of one of the watchmen. Listen to his alarm and sounding of the trumpet.

I know you're thinking the media makes things sound bad enough as it is and you don't need or want to hear about anything else. To this I say, "Just hear me out." For those of you thinking there is nothing to take warning over then I have two books for you to read, The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah. Thanks to my sister I have read both of Jonathan Cahn's books. 

These books are a bit prophetic but not in a "this is what will happen out of the blue" kind of way. Cahn looks at our past as he warns of the path our nation is taking. Both books look at 9-11 as being part and key to what lies ahead for this nation and the world.

When 9-11 occurred I remember hearing the media report how religious leaders were shouting that the attacks happened because of God's judgement on the sins of the nation - with the leaders always pointing to the nation's current immoral acts. But Cahn doesn't bring these under scrutiny. He comes from a totally different perspective.

In The Harbinger, Jonathan Cahn compares the U.S. to Old Testament Israel. The scary part is the identical paths taken by both nations. It'll give you chill bumps. The Harbinger is an easy read and not only compares what happened on 9-11 and the aftermath to ancient Israel, but also to George Washington's inaugural day activities. If you ever doubted that one could have anything to do with the other you should read this book.

The Mystery of the Shemitah takes a different approach. I found it to be a more difficult read because of the detail and form of warning. In this book Jonathan Cahn does a marvelous job of taking past events and what we as a nation have experienced financially, including 9-11, placing them on the Jewish calendar and showing their correlation to our neglecting God's year of rest. You may think there's no connection, but I'm here to tell you there is. In fact, this book takes you from chill bumps to hair raising.

So when news or books like this scare you, what should you do? Pray, right? Well, Anne Graham Lotz has issued a call to prayer for our nation, May 15-23, which is also mentioned by Joel Rosenberg in his blog. All of us attend different churches which vary from each other in superficial values but we all believe Jesus died for us. Let us stand united on this front and bow our knees asking God to guide us in bringing our nation to Him.

Remember there is always hope.

To this statement I have one final comment that I hope will uplift your spirits. Near the end of The Mystery of the Shemitah Cahn shared an interesting tidbit of information. In Hebrew the word for safety is yeshua. If it sounds familiar it's because it is. This is the root word for Yeshua... the Hebrew word for Jesus. Every name has a meaning, but I never wondered about the name of Jesus and it's meaning... safety. No matter what comes our way in future judgements for our nation or world, we can find safety in Jesus. Have you sought Him? Or, become right with Him? Yes, then you are saved from worry over any coming calamity.

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