Recently, during a lesson on the Holy Spirit, the Lord showed me a word picture. When we accept Jesus as our Savior… when we ask Him to live within us… an incredible thing happens. We get the Holy Trinity. (John1:33; Acts 1:4-5) That’s right. This is so cool. I don’t have to shout to get their attention. A soft whisper will be heard because they are right here within me. And within all believers.
But the vision the Lord gave me, was that the Holy Spirit comes in as a seed. A mustard seed at that. If you’ve ever seen one, that’s a really tiny seed. The amazing thing is that given the right watering, sunshine, weeding, and fertilizer, it can grow to be a huge seed bearing tree.
If I don’t care for my plants and trees properly, then the chances of them becoming something to enjoy and admire fade until any semblance of beauty is gone. Sure, it can be revived but it does take even more work.
The same is true of the Holy Spirit seed. If I ignore the fact that He’s within me, it could begin to look and feel like He’s not there.
On the other hand, the more I read the Bible… the more I acknowledge His presence inside me… the more I praise Him and thank Him… the more I ask Him to teach me and guide me… the more I ask Him to fill me… the more I ask Him to clean out anything within me that is stopping His presence from being felt, then the more He shows up and shines through me. The more His presence grows within me.
And, as this happens then there is an increase when He can use me for the purposes of heaven. He will be like a full grown seed bearing tree working through me to touch the lives of those I come across. Allowing His seeds to be spread to others.
And, since a tree can die without continual attention, I must do these things daily. For me, this occurs frequently throughout the day… reminding myself to focus on what He wants me to do.
I hope that you will water and nourish the Holy Spirit seed within you. He definitely wants to commune with you.