In a recent lesson about Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, I saw the nation of Israel from a different perspective. They were called by God to leave Egypt. Whether the Israelites wanted to go or not, the Egyptians were glad to see them leave. So much so, that riches were bestowed to them. What a wonderful thing to happen. And things looked great, until after they arrived at the coast.
From their perspective, something had snapped at their old place and the Egyptians came after them. What was an enjoyable moment of seeing a vast body of water soon evaporated. They found themselves trapped between the sea and people who wanted to kill them.
Have you ever found yourself in a bind similar to that? Maybe no one wants to kill you, ... but perhaps... things are sailing along, looking great, when all of a sudden, things look dreadful. You lean on your past to find a way to solve the issue. You see no way out. And, it looks like nothing will work. Despair can set in quickly.
When the Israelites saw the army coming after them, and they couldn't figure a way out of their predicament, they got mad at Moses. From the scriptures we see that there was a mixture of emotions, separating the nation into divisions that supported the statements recorded in Exodus 14. Picture the people probably yelling the statements and questions. Why did you make us leave? Did you bring us out to die in the wilderness because there were no graves left in Egypt? Didn't we tell you to leave us alone? We wanted to stay and continue serving the Egyptians. After all, it's better to be a slave than to die in this place.
But here's where the lesson shows up. Moses leads them in trusting God once again. And, by following what God instructs, they are saved. God made a way where there seemed to be no way.
As for Egypt, we learn from their actions as well. Even when we are on God's path, the enemy of God's people will continue to pursue us... attempting to destroy our efforts and actions. If we focus on the threats and impending doom, we can find ourselves stressed out to the max and unable to focus. But, and this is a big but,... if we turn to God, follow His guidance, then He will make a way.
This is something I need to remember. After all, there is always hope.