Friday, June 19, 2015

When is the End the End?

Is the earth going to live forever? Or, is there a set time when everything will change? When the face of the earth no longer resembles the beauty it is now. Arguments over the end of time have been happening since the days of Jesus. See Matthew 24 where the disciples asked Jesus to tell them about the end of time and what to expect.

I must admit it would be a bit of a mystery for me if I didn't search the scriptures for answers. Whenever you talk about the end of time the key to remember is that God never changes. So in looking at what Jesus told His disciples - reiterating the teachings of the prophets then adding a few new things - these still hold true. That's why we look to the Bible to see if all the craziness of this world meets the prophecies of the Bible.

Now keep in mind, the verses on the end of the age are scattered like puzzle pieces. You see, God has told bits and pieces to His prophets, but never the whole plan. It is up to us to put all the pieces together. I recently saw a sermon given by Jimmy Evans that pointed to the creation as the outline when God tells about each and every turning point in history including the end of time. I had never heard this before, and figuring you might not have heard it either I drew up a chart showing the parallel he gave.

Day of Creation
Major Impact to Man by Millenium
Light and dark that co-existed were separated.
 Adam and Eve sinned which lead to man being separated from God who is the light that shines in our lives.
The sky was created to separate the waters that mingled in the heavens and on the earth.
 Noah and his family survived a flood that wiped out the earth when the waters came back together for a short period of time.
Plants and trees that yield seed were created.     
 Abraham is promised that his seed will be as numerous as the dust of the earth.
 Lights to shine in the darkness were created - the stars, the sun, the moon.
 Prophets rose up to tell the people about God, to warn leadership and the nation when they were headed into darkness, or that they needed to stop their evil practices.
 Animals of all sizes and shapes were created.
 Jesus was born, dies, and rises to life again thus allowing man to become new creatures. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
 Man is created.
 Man now inhabits most corners of the earth.
 God rested.
 Millennial rule of Jesus

Now looking at this correlation I can now see why God waited to create the stars, etc in the heavens until after He created the plants. If I had created the earth I would have put the lights in the heavens first then started work on the earth next. But when you compare the days of creation with the history of man it totally makes sense. Which makes the rest of the comparison shine bright with truth.

So, all this being said, we could be near the end of the sixth day and headed to the seventh day of rest. I don't say this to scare you, just to prepare you. God has told us when the time of rest will come. But not the exact day. It's going to be like a surprise party, we just don't know the date and time. So be ready to go and don't be late.

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