Thursday, April 16, 2015

There Is Hope

Last week I mentioned that there must be a greater good that will come for the Kingdom of God in all the terrible, deadly, terrorist activities. Since then I have read two blog postings that point in that very direction.

The first one is written by my niece. The blog is titled Building the Bridges and you can find the post here. How wonderful it is to hear that God is using the displacement of people of the Muslim faith to hear from and experience the love of God from His people.

I think of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah (Daniel 1) who after being taken to a foreign country demonstrated to the leadership who the Almighty God in heaven is on more than one occasion. Through their actions the people of Babylon came to know of and on a few occasions worship the one true God. Guess what? God is doing it again, only in reverse. He has taken these persecuted homeless Muslim people out of their country to a land and people where they can find the truth about the God of Abraham.

The second posting is written by Joel Rosenberg and you can find it here. He talks about the newly published book by Tom Doyle, Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where It's Not Safe to Believe.

While I haven't read the book, I like what the blog post says about it. The ISIS people hunt down Christians then video tape the executions only to find out there are more Christians to hunt down. I know this may sound awkwardly cock-eyed, but isn't that awesome!? Christians are multiplying! The ISIS terrorists have become the greatest tool of evangelism for Jesus since the Roman Empire.

You remember the Romans. They captured, tortured and then had Christians killed by lions in front of crowds, just for sport. They never ran out of Christians. In fact, Christianity continued to grow to become the major religion of the world long after the Roman Empire dissolved.

These terrorists and their ally countries may think they have the upper hand; that they can control who lives in peace and who lives in fear, for that matter who lives and who dies. But they do not factor in the man who is ultimately in charge of how things are going to finish. He is using all things to work for good for His Heavenly Kingdom. And that my friends cannot be stopped by human hands no matter how hard they try.

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