Friday, April 24, 2015

Leaving Fear Behind

Fear is one emotion most of us don't have to work hard to get. Especially nowadays when the news is filled with so much information about wars, nations readying for war-like action and terrorist attacks. Then there are multiple blog posts out there to tell us essentially that the Biblical book of Revelation is unfolding before our eyes. If you don't believe me check out these two blogs Running From Babylon and Cindy by the Sea.

The first emotion that ran through my body after reading these posts was fear. Then sorrow followed, but I'm not sure who the sorrow was for. Was it for me or for the many who don't see the mess our world is in? The writer of Running From Babylon is not the only one to compare the U.S. to Babylon. And even though I see some similarities, I don't believe it is a full match. But, I've got news for all those who agree with this comparison - Babylon is utterly destroyed in Revelations 14 - 18. A better description of America, I think, is found in Ezekiel 31... Assyria sounds so much like America it's freaky - God destroys that place too.

But wait! We can't let these things scare us. Remember there's hope.

So what is this fear that's being stirred up within us all about?

It's about death. If you have no idea where you're headed when you die then there is plenty to be fearful of. If you know who Jesus is and believe He died so you personally can go to heaven, then when it all boils down you have nothing to fear. You will be walking into paradise the millisecond after you leave the world behind you.

If you live through any destruction that might come our way, God will bring you through it. The Bible is full of scripture that talks about God rescuing His children. (Note: He can't rescue His people and children if there is nothing to rescue them from.)

He will not forget us whether we die and meet Him at the pearly gates of heaven or whether we live to be an evangelist for Him among survivors. He will never leave you alone or abandon you to fend for yourself. (Hebrews 13:5; Deuteronomy 31:6) And remember His words — "My peace I give you..." (My translation from John 14:27) — are especially for troubled moments in life. He told this to His disciples right before He was arrested and their world fell apart.

No matter what life throws our way, or what news story brings fear remember this — God wins in the end. And if you're on His side, you win too.

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