Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Did They Forget?

Many pageants and movies about the life of Jesus show hundreds of common people shouting to Pilate, "Crucify him," which begs the following questions. "Did the people forget Jesus entering Jerusalem as a king earlier in the week? Did they forget how he taught them at the temple? Did they really want a murderer to be freed instead of this good teacher?"

Did you know that when Pilate asks the people about Jesus that it was six in the morning? How many people do you think were out that early in the morning? I mean it is the day of preparation for Passover, but being that early I don't think it was the huge crowds that many productions make it out to be. No, the people answering Pilate were from the Sanhedrin, chief priests and other influential leaders. Check out John18-19, Luke 23, Mark 15 and Matthew 27.

Now, before you get confused because many translations use the word multitude let me remind you that the Sanhedrin was made up of seventy men, seventy influential men who more than likely kept a servant nearby. The passages in Mark and Luke indicate that there were more leaders than just the Sanhedrin. And, I'm sure there were a few early risers passing by who stopped to check things out. So all in all, there was a good sized crowd there to answer Pilate's questions.

I can see the leaders discussing among themselves that allowing Barabbas freed was an easy way to rid themselves of Jesus. So did they, the Sanhedrin, forget what Jesus did or how he entered the city earlier in the week?

Of course not. They remembered. That's one of the reasons they were doing what they were doing.

And those who may have happened on the scene that early dreadful morning, would they have spoken up against the leaders? No. The Sanhedrin were the educated ones. The ones who knew every letter of the law. If the leaders standing by them were implying Barabbas was better than Jesus, who were they to argue?

And while the people did greet Jesus as king by waving palm branches and throwing coats in front of him there was something missing in his entrance. According to a guest speaker on Day of Discovery, a king would have been greeted by the leadership of the city, placed on a platform, introduced to the people, and then allowed to address the city. This did not happen. So for most of the people Jesus was just another actor in the Passover celebration activities.

This is a two-fold scenario here. Sadly the leaders who should have known Jesus was the true Messiah rejected him and agreed to honor only Caesar. Fortunately for everyone else who ever lived the Sanhedrin caused Jesus to be crucified. Without that crucifixion none of us would have hope of an eternal life in heaven.

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