Thursday, October 11, 2012

Little 'Ol Me

You've heard of Caesarea Philippi, right?  It was beautifully located by Mt Hermon, the highest snow-capped mountain around.  Water running down from the mountain into a creek below along a gigantic cliff lent to the tranquility of the area.

But it was the cliff that held significance for the people of the region.  It was very long and hundreds of feet high.  It became their worship center and a place where Roman met Greek.  Temples and shrines were erected to worship multiple deities.  And in the middle of this cliff was a massive cave opening, which was said to be the gate to Hades.

Can you imagine Jesus and his small entourage walking by all this when he asks, "...who do you say I am?"  There they are with the only son of the one true God, standing near the supposed gate to Sheol.  When Peter gives the right answer he's rewarded with a prophetic word.

Think about it.  There he stands at the foot of this gigantic rock cliff and he's told that his going to be 'the rock' that Jesus will build his church on.  To be compared to that rock cliff must have been a bit overwhelming.  Then Jesus tells him the gates of Hades will not prevail against this church.  That massive cave opening would not stop the church that would rest on Peter's shoulders.

Can you not picture Peter looking back to the cave behind him after the blessing is spoken and taking in the enormousness of that thought.  And thinking, Me? Whoa!

That had to be one mind-boggling concept to swallow and accept.

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