Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tidbits of Info

The program "Day of Discovery" is a great resource of knowledge regarding Israel.  I have learned so much from watching their shows.  Thought you might enjoy some little tidbits of information I've gleaned from them.

Did you know the fault line running through the African Rift Valley continues up through the Jordan Valley?  It's interesting how different parts of the world can be connected.

Did you know that there are lava rocks on the hillsides of the Galilee?  This means there's a dormant volcano in the area.  I have to wonder how many times lava flowed from it, and just how did it shape the land of Israel we know today.

Did you know that the Sea of Galilee lies 640 feet below sea level?  It's the lowest fresh water lake in the world.

Did you know that the temple in Jerusalem was thought to be about 18 stories high?  That's a tall building.  And sitting on top of the highest hill in the area it's no wonder it could be seen from far away.

Sometimes it's the overlooked facts that can change how we look at an old object or subject.  Knowing these things has helped me see Israel in a different way.

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