Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Who Do I Relate To? John? (part 2)

We are back to John, the younger brother of James. The two shared many experiences and lessons along the way, so that reading about James is like reading about John. They had a strong family bond.

But, there are significant differences. As you know, John lived a long life of speaking and teaching and writing the saints, even from his prison on the island of Patmos. And, he was the only apostle to die of natural causes.

Another thing that catches my eye is how John stands out when he intentionally follows the angry mob that arrests Jesus. He had guts, man.

Think about it, if a group of military police accompanied by angry men waving their arms in the air come to the park where you're resting, and take the guy who's been teaching your Bible study group, would you follow them? Would you enter the building they take him to for questioning? Would you use your security pass to get close to the action? Would you then turn around, make your way back through the angry crowd, retrieve a fellow member of the group and bring him through the door into the midst of the crowd?

John did. Like I said, guts.

And, even though he knew how this ruling group of the church felt about Jesus he still made the decision to stay near Jesus, to stand with his mother at the cross while they watched him die, to leave the protection of the upper room to see if Jesus was gone from the tomb. Guts.

Also, he was astute. Notice, who's the first one to recognize Jesus when another miraculous catch is made? (John 21) John, that's who. I can just see him lighting up when he realizes who's back to see them.

It must have spark a new eagerness in him. You know, like the eagerness you had when you first became a believer? To learn everything you could about Jesus and all the teachings about him?

After that catch we can see this. John was intent to hear everything Jesus had to say, even to the point of following him and Peter during a private conversation. Perhaps it may have been rude, but John seems eager to take in every word.

Then he accompanied Peter when their time of ministry first began. They taught together, and were arrested together. He even went along to Samaria with Peter. John learned what Peter understood and what Peter did to reach out to the new believers. He didn't stop learning the day Jesus returned to heaven.

And, even in his old age when he had so much experience, and respect from the believers, he maintained a humbleness. You can see this when he is given all the information to write for the book of Revelations (chapter 22).

Through his writings we see gone were the days of fiery attitudes and thunderous outbursts. He became the man from whom the love of God flowed.

What a goal to try to achieve. I so hope when my time comes that people will be able to see a difference in me between the start and the finish of my life.

You can read about him in the following passages: Matthew 4,10,17,20; Mark 1,3,5,9, 10,14; John 13,18,19,20,21; Luke 5,6,8,9,22,24; Acts 1,3,4,8; Revelations 1,10,22.

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