Wednesday, August 31, 2011

AHH, The Heat

Seems like lately all people are talking about around here is the heat. It’s so hot all the time. There’s never a let up. The cool part of our day would normally be the high.

Sunshine and warmth are known for bringing good moods. But I’m here to tell you that what I see happening is shorter tempers from the relentless heat and discouragement from the lack of rain and cool breezes. Makes you wonder if this is just a taste of what Jesus meant in Matthew 8 or Revelations 16.

There is an old saying: if the heat’s too hot get out of the kitchen. There’s another saying: if the heat’s too hot stay put and fight the heat.

The first saying has always stumped me since I first heard it as an adult. My first thought was ‘what in the world does that mean?’ How does one know it’s too hot for you anyway - just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s so unbearable I should leave. And, what does leaving prove?

If leaving was the answer I never would have stayed on in nursing. My first job alone would have done me in. My first year of marriage would not have led to 26 years of marriage, and still going. There are so many other examples I could name.

Nothing is perfect. But everything is worth fighting for. Fighting for a change...for improvement...for results.

Perhaps it is the Irish, or Scottish, or French, or Spaniard, or Indian in me that doesn’t mind a fight. I like and understand the second saying. My mom shared it with me the other day after reading it in her devotional booklet, The Daily Bread.

I have also found that sometimes what we feel is too much heat is actually there for a purpose. To show us what we can do. To show us we do have strength. To give us compassion. To prepare us for the next fire.

With God as our lead, He will use all things for His good, for His purpose.

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