Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What a Hiding Place!

Have you ever read Revelation 6 and wondered why in the world would any one in their right mind run underground in the midst of the world's worst earthquake?  I mean it's suppose to be a doozie of an earthquake with the moon and sun doing ecliptical things at the same time.  Men are suppose to want the caves and rocks to hide them from God and from the wrath of Jesus.

First of all, living in Texas I found this irrational.  In a land that, albeit slowly, continually shifts and cracks, who would want to run into a cave that might just collapse on you during a great earthquake?  Or, suddenly burst open from underneath and allow water from the aquifers below to fill the caverns? 

What I didn't know was that someone in Turkey or Ethiopia reading that same passage would have complete understanding.  Watching "Cities of the Underworld" my eyes were opened in a whole new way.  Now, I get it.

In the area known as Cappadocia there are hundreds of cities lying beneath the towns and cities that populate the country side.  What looks like caves lead and open up into vast rooms and tunnels leading to other rooms, even cathedrals.  The builders included ventilation systems, communication channels, food storage areas, water holding tanks, even burial rooms.

Initially, these cities were built for protection from attackers.  And, rather than creating strongholds above ground that would hold off the enemy the people dug down deep into the ground.  It's incredible how these places have survived the test of time, weather and earthquakes.

Throughout the centuries other peoples have utilized these tunnel systems.  And I imagine for those who know where the cities are at, when that great earthquake hits, that's where the people from all walks of life will run.

Now, Revelation 6 makes total sense.

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