Tuesday, June 12, 2012

When Water Isn't Just Water

Have you ever wondered why Jesus referred to himself as having living water? (John 4)  And the Samaritan woman seemed to understand his meaning?

I admit, I didn't understand it.  Each time I read the passage I wondered what in the world that meant...living water.  Did it mean some kind of super mineral water?  Or, water that was crystal clear?  Or, water that wasn't really water?

Sadly, even with all my curiosities I never researched it.  I put it on the back burner and forgot that there had to be more to the story.  While reading the book, Listening to the Language of the Bible by Lois Tverberg, I was finally given the answer.

Lois referred back to Ezekiel 47.  The wonderful passage describes water flowing from the sanctuary and bringing life back to all the areas of land that it touched.  This refreshing, renewing, re-birthing water was anticipated by all in that part of the world.

No wonder the Samaritan woman didn't balk at his reference to giving her living water.  Like most of us, it took further divulging about her past to make her realize who the giver of this living water was.

Note: the living water in Ezekiel starts out as a small trickle and builds on itself.  Expanding and expanding until it finally transforms the Dead Sea which did not have anything living in it into a place brimming with life.

What a concept.  One taste of the living water Jesus gave brought healing to the Samaritan woman. Freeing her from all the sins in her past.  Starting all over again, fresh, as if nothing before had happened.  Now I get it.

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