Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Making Room For Mom

In the process of making room for mom I am having to - get this - throw things away. Things I don't need anymore. I mean I haven't set eyes on some items in 10 years. So, I find no matter how it hurts I have to pitch it.

Some of these things have meaning behind them...they were important at the time. How and when did they lose meaning? It hurt, somehow, to toss them.

There was one treasure I came upon that will not be thrown away...my dad's poetry.

How strange things work out. The first poem in the bundle hit home and here it is:

Among My Treasures

As I sit here among my treasures
Sports trophies, photo albums, certificates,
I realize ... nobody cares but me

My house with all its memories,
Tragedies, joys, and pleasures,
Nobody cares but me

Someday, someone will sit and look
At each precious treasure in turn,
Giving it a second, or maybe two,
Then consign it to a cardboard box
My life to be carried away ...
Nobody cares but me, but me,
Nobody cares but me

We all have our days of depression,
I think I've just had one too
As I sit here among my treasures,
I realize ... they are for me, not for you
Each brings a special memory
A sign of accomplishment, success, and joy,
Proof that God has blessed my life
So, go gather treasures of your own.

Ed Cloyd, 5 Sept 1996

So as we settle mom in, I will follow Dad's advice and continue to gather treasures that come my way. Things that will remind me that Jesus cares enough to bring rays of sunshine and blessings to my life, even if it's only for a short period of time.

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