Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Which Lamb?

I am still focused on the birth of Jesus. There's so much information out there in books and programs which fills in the gaps that for some reason has escaped my attention throughout the years.

The shepherds with their flocks in the fields outside of Bethlehem were not just any shepherds. Some of them were working for the temple. Many of the lambs from those flocks were taken to Jerusalem to be sold for sacrifices. (A Visual Guide To Bible Events)

Now isn’t that interesting...sacrificial lambs were just over the ridge from where THE ultimate sacrificial lamb was born. How cool is that?

All these years my focus has been on the Great Shepherd being born in a town known as the birth place of King David, a shepherd who became king. Points have been made about the shepherds being the appropriate people to greet our Heavenly Shepherd that first night. I never gave much thought to the Lamb portion of it.

So now when we think of the birth of Jesus we can say He was born near the sheep who before His arrival symbolized His sacrifice. He was announced to the shepherds who also symbolized His leadership over a difficult people. And, as the true King of the Jews He peacefully rested not far from the palace of the man who killed and fought his way to be a king.

God is so good to teach us in a variety of ways. He shows us things that are tangible to teach us a lesson or to give us understanding. Then taking that understanding He shows us there is a deeper meaning, a symbolism, that directs us to knowing Jesus better.

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